Mittwoch, 12. September 2007


Today I visited a couple of 11th-grade classes and the boys are really rowdy! Really no different than the boys in my own high school, although you’d think that since they are in 11th grade and in a Gymnasium they’d be a little better-behaved. I was asked a few times if I was single (one boy asked if I was married and then what his chances with me would be). They also love that I am from “near LA”—that’s what I tell them, and maybe it’s too misleading. I was asked if I’ve seen Brad Pitt and Paris Hilton, and I tried to explain that no one famous comes near where I live, but they just kept thinking of more celebrities to ask me about. The students misbehave, but none of them seems to be malicious, which is a good thing. Right now I’m just observing the courses, but sometimes I really want to yell at the kids to be quiet and stop passing notes and throwing wads of paper at each other. I thought German teachers would be disciplinarians, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I have to remind myself also that when I was in high school I was basically just in honors classes with a bunch of goody-two-shoes, so for all I know these kids could be angels compared to the average American high school student.

Last night I looked at my first apartment and it was a good enough place. My two potential roommates and I talked for two hours, which I hadn’t expected but I assume is a good sign. The downsides are that the place is a little far from my school, and one of the roommates is a 40-something-year-old cleaning lady from China who has been in Germany for 20 years but whose German I swear is just about the same as mine. The other roommate is a German girl about 25 years old who needs a lot of peace and quiet to study, which I guess is ok. I just want roommates who are willing to hang out with me since I have no real friends here and want to experience what life in Berlin is really like. The two women are both really nice though and I think I would get along well with them. I haven’t been offered the place yet, but if I am, I don’t know whether to accept it. Another problem is I haven’t looked at any other apartments because no one is replying to my inquiries, except when the room has already been taken. This is not a fun experience!

Wow, this is really weird, but just as I finished writing the above, one of the roommates called me and offered me the room in the apartment. Now I really have to think hard about this . . . which means I have to ask my mother for her opinion!

I really need to find a good library here because I am getting sick of watching the two English-language channels I have—MTV and CNN. I can’t believe I ever watched MTV when I was younger. I keep turning it on hoping to find some music videos for German or at the very least European singers, but all that I find are really trashy American shows with German subtitles. At least I am learning how to say disgusting things in German. And CNN really sucks because it plays the same news over and over again and it is extremely anti-American. I don’t care if that’s a point belabored by conservatives—every time I watch it, they have someone talking about how bad America is, especially after the Petraeus and Crocker testimonies before Congress. All that I have besides TV are my LSAT books. I’ve been doing some work every day, but it’s getting so boring. I swear that every other question is about global warming or some other scientific topic and for some reason all the reading comp passages are about Native Americans. Can’t they find a wider variety of topics?

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

The kids probably cannot be yelled at because they are probably protected by some European Treaty. So stop thinking about yelling at them, (ahem) trampling on their civil rights. I am sure there is an equivalent to ACLU in Germany.
Your roommates sound great but make sure they don't steal. Also, maybe you can work something out with the 40-something Chinese lady. Maybe she can cook for you for a pittance every day since she probably cooks for herself. (Rice and salted fish sounds really good right now)...

Good luck Meg(h)an!\\p.s. Study your LSATS!