Yes, I have not updated in a while. It is because I have no stinkin' Internet, in addition to no time to write anything. I am so ready to get settled in, but it's impossible because I have no place to live! I am fed up with trekking around the city in every direction trying to find a room in an apartment. All of you still at Harvard, never ever take for granted how housing works there.
Also, studying for the LSAT has been nearly impossible, considering my apartment-search schedule. I hope I don't fail. That is, if I ever find a place to stay when I get there. Argh argh argh! And I need to register at Humboldt on Friday, but I also need to go to Munich at the same time . . .
I also still have not registered myself in Berlin (so the government can keep track of me, I suppose), or gotten my visa, both of which are no-nos.
As you can tell, I am feeling a bit stressed and frustrated right now. But I suppose in the grand scheme of things life is pretty good. I've had a constant stream of visitors the past three weeks (which kinda is bad timing, considering the whole LSAT thing, but it's prevented me from getting lonely). And my work is going pretty well, although technically I haven't started teaching.
Alright, that's about it for now. I expect to have Internet around the beginning of October (if I get a room somehow!) and then I will be able to write something more substantial about my experiences in the past couple of weeks.
Oh, a glaring error. Apparently Fräulein is neuter, and I put it as feminine in my blog post. How embarrassing.
"In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl."
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