Me with Marx and Lenin near Alexanderplatz. You can totally tell that this is East Berlin. And in the background you can see the remains of the Palast der Republik. (ahh, Ostalgie!)
Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008
Die Woche ist vorbei
Ok, I started to write this on May 4, and now it is technically May 8, but I think this will show up as being posted May 4, before the transvestite post. Anyway, I didn't get far in writing what I was up to the past 1.5 weeks, and now I am kinda rushing to get ready for my trip to the Baltics in just 16 hours, so I'm gonna have to just show some pictures and a little text and that's that. I don't have time to upload pics from my trip to Magdeburg and Halle this past Saturday, so you'll just have to trust that I was there!
Fernsehturm at Alexanderplatz. The weather has been oh-so-gorgeous the past couple weeks!

Me with Marx and Lenin near Alexanderplatz. You can totally tell that this is East Berlin. And in the background you can see the remains of the Palast der Republik. (ahh, Ostalgie!)
Sandra, my tandem partner, next to a funny statue in the Nikolaiviertel, which is also near Alex.
I won tickets to a concert featuring two indie pop bands. This here's The Hoosiers. The other band was Slut. What a name. They were actually both excellent. I also won tickets to another concert featuring Klee and Nevio Passaro. Not quite as good, but still not bad. And then I won tickets to another concert tonight, but couldn't go.
Typische Berliner punks hanging out on the street in Kreuzberg during MyFest on the Tag der Arbeit (May Day).
Revolution sign in German/Turkish.
Kreuzberg 36 or Antalya? Your guess is as good as mine!
Trip to Koenigs Wusterhausen with SMD folks and friends.
Me and Susana, an American friend of mine with whom I spent oodles and oodles of time the past week, in Koenigs Wusterhausen.
A sign showing where we were in Dahme-Spreewald. On second thought, not so interesting, but I already uploaded it, so enjoy!
Me with Marx and Lenin near Alexanderplatz. You can totally tell that this is East Berlin. And in the background you can see the remains of the Palast der Republik. (ahh, Ostalgie!)
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1 Kommentar:
you know, reading your posts make me miss traveling with you! <3
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