I don’t want to write too much about my Christmas vacation, except to say that I had a fabulous time. Many of the Fulbrighters I know in Berlin didn’t go home for Christmas because they were afraid they wouldn’t get back on the plane when it came time to return (although one was indeed on my flight on the way to NY). If Christmas had been in September or October, I might have had that same fear. But I have found my place in Berlin and look forward to seeing friends again—it’s been four weeks since I’ve seen any of them! And I hope I didn’t forget any German . . .
At home I pretty much just vegged out and ate and watched TV and did nothing. My aunt and uncle came for a few days and celebrated Christmas with us. Went to one of the many Christmas services at Saddleback and saw Chuck Colson speak right before I left! Oh, my brother moved out! It’s a miracle! We are all so proud of him. He’s got an even better job with Cox in Phoenix. Still waiting for him to come visit me in Berlin . . . Let’s see, what else, I hung out with a few friends from high school, smoked all of them in poker, lost all of my money at blackjack at Pechanga, saw the best movie of 2007 (Juno—but what do I know, I’ve seen like five movies from 2007). My dad didn’t work the whole time, which to me was a good thing. It was nice to be around him a lot. And I really enjoyed harassing my dog, probably too much. Is it sad that I miss him more than the rest of my family? It’s not like I really miss him more, I just miss his physical presence more. I can talk to my parents on Skype and be happy, but I can’t just play with the dog. It tortures me sometimes to see so many cute dogs walking the streets in Berlin. My mom and I have gotten really bad—Beau now has a preppy sweater, a pumpkin Halloween costume, a Santa hat and collar, and a “Tuff Dog” shirt. We are pathetic!
I am really glad that I went back to Harvard to visit friends and the law school. It was so hectic, but so worth it. People seemed enthusiastic about seeing me again—even people I wouldn’t think would have gone out of their way to see me, like my favorite ling TF—and at times I pretty much felt like a celebrity. Haha, without the fame. Or infamy. Darn. It made me more excited to go back to Harvard for law school (95% sure), although don’t get me wrong, I am scared to death that I am going to be the dumbest person HLS has ever seen, that I’m going to fall prey to the Socratic method and the horrific exams that 1Ls were conveniently tackling as I was visiting. Sigh.
Well, I think they are about to start calling for check in for my flight, and since I’ve now been here three hours, it would be a shame not to be one of the first. Catch you in Berlin!
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