Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2008

Keine Ahnung

Just a pointless post to say that I will be updating next week about my trip this past weekend to Dresden, Goerlitz, and Leipzig and about my upcoming camping trip at Liepnitzsee in Brandenburg. But I really meant keine Ahnung re: the keffiyeh, which so many of my students wear. Had no clue that it was related to Palestinian jihad?* I was beginning to think it looked kinda cool and even ueberlegged buying one that I found for 5 Euro. By the way, I can't believe Benicio del Toro dedicated his best actor award at Cannes to Che Guevara???

*Yes, that is a link to Perez Hilton. One of the innumerable guilty pleasures I have picked up while living in Berlin. You don't even want to know what else is on that list!

P.S. LESS THAN ONE MONTH until my job ends! Total time worked in the past three weeks: four hours. Which reminds me, still gotta write that post about my dislike of the Berlin school system.

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